What is otoplasty?

Otoplasty modifies ear size, position, shape, or proportion for correction of congenital issues affecting ear structure, or ear shape or appearance problems left from an injury. Otoplasty includes non-surgical ear molding in newborn babies to correct differences in ear shape and contour, ear reconstruction for absent ear or microtia, treatment of prominent ear or “ear pinning”, and reconstruction of acquired differences from cancer surgery or trauma.

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, we are dedicated to helping our patients achieve their desired results through personalized care and expert techniques. Whether you’re seeking to improve the appearance of protruding ears, or reconstruct a congenital or acquired ear difference, our team is committed to guiding you through your otoplasty journey.

Determining the right time for otoplasty

Timing of otoplasty is dependent on the type of treatment and on the reason, it is being performed. Non- surgical ear molding for prominent ear and other contour differences must be performed within the first few weeks of birth when cartilage is soft and malleable from circulating maternal estrogen. Treatment of prominent ear is otherwise typically deferred until 6-9 years of age. Microtia reconstruction is also typically performed at this age when the ears have typically nearly reached their full size, making it an ideal time for the procedure. Adults who wish to alter their ear structure for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons can also benefit from otoplasty at any age.

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Unveiling the benefits of otoplasty

Otoplasty can bring about emotional and physical transformation:

Boosted self-esteem

By improving the appearance of prominent or misshapen ears, otoplasty can significantly improve a patient’s self-confidence.

Correcting various conditions

From microtia or absent ears to large ears (macrotia) to protruding ears, otoplasty can address a wide range of ear-related concerns.

Navigating the recovery process for otoplasty

Otoplasty is typically performed as an outpatient, with patients going home the same day. It can even be performed under local anesthetic, sedation or general anesthetic. Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which generally subside within a week depending on the procedure. Discomfort can be managed with prescribed pain medications. Dr. Davidson and his team provide detailed aftercare instructions and are committed to supporting you throughout the recovery process to ensure a smooth and comfortable healing journey. 

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Who is a good candidate for otoplasty?

Ideal candidates for otoplasty are those who feel self-conscious about their ears and wish to improve their appearance. This includes both children and adults who are in good health, do not suffer from life-threatening illnesses or chronic ear infections, and have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of the procedure.

Choosing Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute for your otoplasty

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, we are deeply committed to delivering the highest standard of care to our youngest patients. Our pediatric otoplasty services are designed to correct congenital ear differences, boosting the self-esteem of children, and enhancing their overall quality of life.

Our team is led by renowned board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr Edward H Davidson MD FACS FAAP, with over a decade of experience in craniofacial cosmetic and corrective procedures, making him a sought-after expert in the field of otoplasty surgery.  We offer all types of otoplasty in West Palm Beach from non-invasive ear molding in infants, to surgical ear reshaping and total ear reconstruction for microtia in which a new ear is made by carving a patient’s own rib or using the newest allograft-based techniques.

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Our partnership with the Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Foundation

In partnership with the Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Foundation, we extend financial assistance to families in need for treatment for congenital facial differences.

We understand that choosing a surgeon for you or your child’s procedure is a significant decision. At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, we strive to make this process as smooth as possible by offering a safe, caring environment where professionalism, honesty, and attentiveness are at the core of our practice.

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