Sculpting Elegance

Our team is led by renowned board-certified Plastic surgeon, Edward H. Davidson, MD, FACS, specialized in cosmetic and corrective surgery of the face, and committed to ensuring each Lip Lift is meticulously performed to match the unique wishes and needs of the individual.

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What is a lip lift?

A Lip Lift is a surgical procedure that that reduces the distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose centrally or elevates the corners of the lip, effectively lifting the position of the lip to enhance its shape and volume reversing the age-related changes to lip aesthetics. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals who have a longer upper lip area or who have experienced a reduction in lip volume or changes in shape due to aging.

The Lip Lift procedure is performed through small incisions made at the base of the nose and/or corners of the mouth, through which excess skin is removed, and the lip is lifted to its new, more youthful position. The focus is not on applying a generic surgical technique but on using an individualized approach to ensure that the results complement your unique facial proportions beautifully.

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Customization: Our signature approach

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, we believe in a bespoke approach to facial aesthetics. We take the time to understand your aesthetic goals, assess your facial structure, and craft a personalized surgical plan that aligns with your wishes and facial structure.

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Who is a candidate?

Ideal candidates for a Lip Lift are individuals looking to rejuvenate their smile, reduce the space between their nose and upper lip, or enhance lip natural shape and volume. Patients should be in good overall health, non-smokers, and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure.

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What can a Lip Lift do for my look?

A Lip Lift offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced lip volume: Achieving fuller, more youthful-looking lips as more of the vermilion inner lip is revealed.
  • Improved lip shape: Creating a more defined and attractive lip contour.
  • Balanced facial proportions: Bringing harmony to the facial features by reducing the “philtrum,” the distance between the lower nose and upper lip.
  • A more youthful smile: The procedure allows more of your upper teeth to show when you smile.
  • Minimized signs of aging: Creates a more youthful facial appearance.

What is the recovery time after a lip lift?

A Lip Lift is typically performed as outpatient surgery, with patients going home the same day. It can even be performed under local anesthetic, rather than sedation or general anesthetic. Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which generally subside within a week. Patients can then return to their normal activities Discomfort can be managed with prescribed pain medications. Dr. Davidson and his team provide detailed aftercare instructions and are committed to supporting you throughout the recovery process to ensure a smooth and comfortable healing journey.

Enhancing your results with complementary procedures

Patients may choose to combine a Lip Lift with other procedures such as:

  • Facelift: For a comprehensive rejuvenation of the lower face.
  • Neck lift: To enhance the jawline and address signs of aging in the neck.
  • Brow lift: Lifting the forehead and brow area for a refreshed appearance.
  • Eyelid lift/blepharoplasty: Reducing excess skin and repositioning underlying muscles for a refreshed look.
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Our commitment to excellence, safety, and patient satisfaction

Choosing Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute means entrusting your care to a team dedicated to excellence, safety, and patient satisfaction.

  • Our hospital-based surgical setting is equipped with the latest technology and staffed by experienced professionals, ensuring a secure and safe environment for your procedure.
  • Dr. Davidson’s elite training and focused scope of practice translate into unparalleled surgical expertise for excellent results.
  • Our boutique concierge service ensures a patient care experience that is attentive, personalized, and centered around your well-being, resulting in happy and satisfied patients.

Reveal a more youthful, engaging smile.

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, a Lip Lift is more than just a procedure—it is a transformational journey towards unveiling the most confident and radiant version of yourself. Under Dr. Edward H. Davidson’s expert care, you can expect stunning and natural results perfectly aligned with your aesthetic vision for your lips. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more youthful smile.

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