World-class facelift experience

With an uncompromising commitment to safety, all facelift procedures are performed in a modern hospital-based facility with expert staff and board-certified anesthesiologists. Whether you are coming from out of town or are local to Palm Beach, we provide an individualized patient journey with world-class concierge care from the initial encounter through perioperative care, recovery, and postoperative follow-up.

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Excellence in technique

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce visible signs of aging of the face and upper neck. The procedure involves lifting and re-supporting sagging facial tissues to restore a natural, refreshed facial appearance. As a leader in the field of plastic surgery, Edward H. Davidson, MD, FACS, FAAP, brings his extensive expertise as a craniomaxillofacial plastic surgeon to every facelift procedure at the Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute. With a specialization in cosmetic and corrective surgery of the face, Dr. Davidson ensures each facelift is meticulously tailored to meet his patients' unique needs and aesthetic goals. Rather than focusing on a particular technique, Dr Davidson creates an individualized procedure for each patient based on their specific anatomy, concerns and goals. This may be deep plane “extended SMAS” or “high SMAS” techniques or through “SMAS plication,” depending on the patient’s needs. This also may be a full, mid, mini or lower facelift, again depending on the individualized plan.

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Full facelift

The traditional full facelift addresses signs of aging across the entire face, from the forehead to the neck.


Focusing on the middle third of the face, a mid-facelift targets the area from the cheeks to the upper lip. This procedure lifts sagging cheeks, reduces nasolabial folds, and enhances the overall contour of the face.

Mini facelift

Also known as a “mini lift” or “short scar facelift,” this less invasive option targets mild to moderate signs of aging around the mid-face and jawline.

Lower facelift

A lower facelift addresses aging signs from the mid-face down to the neck, focusing on jowls, marionette lines, and sagging skin around the chin and neck area. This procedure helps to create a more defined jawline and youthful neck contour.

Neck lift

While not a facelift in the traditional sense, a neck lift is often performed in conjunction with facelift surgery to address sagging skin and wrinkles on the neck, ensuring a harmonious and rejuvenated appearance from face to neck.

The overall aim is to restore each patient’s youthful self by correcting the anatomic changes resulting from time and aging, creating a natural unoperated appearance rather than one that is distorted or different -you looking like a younger version of yourself.

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Who is a candidate?

Ideal candidates for our facelift in West Palm Beach are individuals who are in good overall health, have realistic expectations, show signs of facial aging, and want to look younger and more vital. A thorough consultation with Dr. Davidson will determine if a facelift is the right approach in your case. The facial aging issues that can be resolved in a custom facelift surgery include:

  • Smoothing facial lines and creases
  • Restoring youthful definition at the jawline
  • Removing sagging jowls
  • Lifting sagging cheeks
  • Addressing visible chin wrinkles
  • Smoothing away “marionette lines”
  • Redefining the junction between the face and the neck
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What are the benefits of a facelift at our practice?

  • Rejuvenation: Achieve a more youthful, revitalized appearance – that looks like you.
  • Long-lasting results: Enjoy long-term results, turning back the clock on your appearance.
  • Increased confidence: Feel more confident in social, business, or personal interactions.
  • Natural appearance: With Dr. Davidson’s tailored approach, results look natural, not “pulled” or “tight.”

Personalized Procedures

Dr. Davidson discusses his approach to cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic Facial Procedures at Palm Beach Facial Plastic Surgery Institute

Complementary procedures for enhanced results

As part of a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation that creates a natural youthful appearance, consideration of complementary procedures is tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient based on their specific anatomy, concerns, and goals.

  • Lip lift: A lip lift enhances shape and volume, reversing the age-related changes to the lips and complementing the youthful appearance achieved through a facelift.
  • Earlobe reduction or repair: Earlobe reduction can address elongated or stretched earlobes, adding the finishing touches to your rejuvenated appearance.
  • Brow lift: A brow lift addresses sagging eyebrows and forehead wrinkles, enhancing the results of your facelift.
  • Eyelid lift: An eyelid lift rejuvenates the area around the eyes, ensuring your eyes appear as youthful as the rest of your face.
  • Genioplasty: Chin recontouring is an important consideration in rejuvenating the lower face and neck, providing the underlying skeletal support to accentuate the soft tissue changes of a facelift.
  • Facial fat sculpturing: Fat grafting can restore volume and vitality to the face. Submental liposuction can remove excess fat from beneath the chin to restore a youthful, defined jawline. Buccal fat pad removal can reduce fullness in the lower cheeks for a more sculpted facial contour.

Your recovery – What to expect?

Facelift surgery is performed under general anesthetic, either as outpatient surgery with patients going home the same day or to a local luxury hotel under the care of our team nurse overnight or as inpatient surgery with one night in a VIP hospital suite. Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which generally subside within a week. Discomfort can be managed with prescribed pain medications. Depending on the level of desired discretion, patients can return to work and public social events in 2-4 weeks. Dr. Davidson and his team provide detailed aftercare instructions and are committed to supporting you throughout the recovery process to ensure a smooth and comfortable healing journey.

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Safety, excellence, and patient satisfaction: Our core principles

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, our commitment to safety, excellence, and patient satisfaction is unwavering.

  • Safety: We prioritize safe surgery through hospital-based procedures, utilizing state-of-the-art facilities, staffing, and anesthesia to ensure the highest standards of care.
  • Excellence: Dr. Davidson’s focused scope of practice, elite training, and extensive experience culminate in excellent surgical results, setting a new standard in facial rejuvenation.
  • Patient satisfaction: Our boutique concierge approach ensures a personalized, quality patient care experience.
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Expert care tailored to you

Choosing your facelift surgery is a crucial step in your journey to rejuvenation. With Dr. Davidson’s expert guidance and the support of the entire Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute team, your facelift procedure will be customized to achieve your unique aesthetic goals while upholding the highest standards of safety and excellence. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover the transformative power of personalized facelift surgery.

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