What is a neck lift?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the neck and jawline. A neck lift can create a more defined and graceful contour by addressing excess skin, muscle banding, and accumulated fat. This procedure is often sought after by individuals looking to correct signs of aging or those desiring improvement in the contour and definition of their neck and jawline.

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Tailoring the procedure to your unique needs

Every patient’s anatomy and aesthetic goals are unique, and Dr. Davidson understands the importance of a personalized approach. He meticulously assesses the condition of the neck to create a tailored surgical plan that brings optimal individualized results.

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Ideal candidates for neck lift surgery

Candidates for a neck lift typically include individuals who are in good overall health, non-smokers and have realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcome. Signs that you may benefit from a neck lift include:

  • Excess fat and skin in the lower face and neck
  • Muscle banding in the neck 
  • A “turkey wattle” 
  • Double chin 
  • Jowls
  • The loss of jawline definition

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What is the procedure?

During a neck lift, Dr. Davidson makes strategic incisions behind the ears and possibly under the chin to access and tighten the neck muscles, remove excess fat, and trim excess skin. His precision and attention to detail allow for minimal scarring, with all incision lines well-hidden and fading, becoming virtually invisible.

The journey to recovery after a neck lift

Neck lift surgery is performed under general anesthetic, either as outpatient surgery with patients going home the same day or to a local luxury hotel under the care of our team nurse overnight or as inpatient surgery with one night in a VIP hospital suite. Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which generally subside within a week. Discomfort can be managed with prescribed pain medications. Depending on the level of desired discretion, patients can return to work and public social events in 2-4 weeks. Dr. Davidson and his team provide detailed aftercare instructions and are committed to supporting you throughout the recovery process to ensure a smooth and comfortable healing journey.

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The journey to recovery after a neck lift

Neck lift surgery is performed under general anesthetic, either as outpatient surgery with patients going home the same day or to a local luxury hotel under the care of our team nurse overnight, or as inpatient surgery with one night in a VIP hospital suite. Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which generally subside within a week. Discomfort can be managed with prescribed pain medications. Depending on the level of desired discretion, patients can return to work and public social events in 2-4 weeks. Dr. Davidson and his team provide detailed aftercare instructions and are committed to supporting you throughout the recovery process to ensure a smooth and comfortable healing journey.

Our commitment to safety, excellence, and patient satisfaction

Choosing Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute means entrusting your care to a team dedicated to the highest standards of safety, excellence, and patient satisfaction.

Patient safety: Our priority.

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, your safety is our utmost priority. The neck lift procedures are performed in a secure hospital environment with cutting-edge facilities and the most advanced technology. Our seasoned team of medical professionals, alongside the highest standard of anesthesia practices, ensures that your surgical experience is safe, smooth, and meets the strictest safety protocols.

Excellence: Superior outcomes in neck lift surgery.

Dr. Edward H. Davidson, with his prestigious background and extensive experience, brings unparalleled mastery and precision to each neck lift procedure. His focused practice and commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in craniomaxillofacial plastic surgery translate into outstanding surgical outcomes, consistent excellence, and visible, lasting results.

Patient satisfaction: A commitment to you and your journey.

The patient care experience at Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute transcends the ordinary, offering a boutique concierge service that ensures your journey with us is as comfortable and rewarding as possible. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, our team is dedicated to providing personalized attention, support, and care, ensuring your satisfaction and well-being at every step – personalized, attentive, and wholly centered on your well-being.

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Elevate your look with a custom neck lift.

A neck lift in West Palm Beach at Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute is an investment in yourself, resulting in a more youthful, refined appearance, with a significant boost in self-confidence. Under Dr. Davidson’s expert care, you can anticipate results that enhance your look in the most subtle but dramatic way. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a graceful, rejuvenated you.

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