Sculpting a refined profile

Submental liposuction is a transformative procedure that focuses on the area beneath the chin, removing excess fat to create a more defined and youthful neckline. At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, our talented team brings extensive experience and artistic precision to this delicate procedure.

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What is submental liposuction?

Submental liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to target and remove stubborn fat deposits under the chin and along the upper neck. This area, the submental region, is prone to accumulating fat due to aging, genetics, or weight fluctuations, resulting in a fuller or “double chin” appearance and fat on the upper neck. Submental liposuction resculpts this area to create a sleeker, more defined jawline and neck.

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What is the procedure?

During submental liposuction, small incisions are made in inconspicuous areas, typically under the chin or behind the earlobes. A thin tube called a cannula is then inserted to break up and suction out the unwanted fat. Dr. Davidson’s meticulous technique ensures minimal disruption to surrounding tissues, resulting in less swelling, bruising, and downtime.

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A precision approach makes the difference.

At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute, we believe in a personalized approach to facial aesthetics. Dr. Davidson takes the time to assess your facial structure, skin quality, and aesthetic goals during the consultation, crafting a tailored surgical plan that aligns with your unique needs and desires.

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Ideal candidates

Submental liposuction is suitable for individuals who are near their ideal weight but are struggling with localized fat deposits under the chin that are resistant to diet and exercise. Ideal candidates should have good skin elasticity to ensure optimal results, as the skin needs the resilience to contract smoothly over the newly contoured area. In cases of lax skin, a more thorough approach will be required, as excess skin and tissue must be removed to restore the firm, sculpted look of a youthful jawline.

What are the benefits?

  • Redefined jawline: Achieving a sharper, more defined jawline.
  • Reduced fullness: The double chin fat is removed, gone for good.
  • Youthful contour: Restoring a youthful, refreshed profile.
  • Improved facial balance: Enhancing overall facial harmony.
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What is the recovery time after submental liposuction?

Submental liposuction is typically performed as outpatient surgery, with patients going home the same day. It can even be performed under local anesthetic, rather than sedation or general anesthetic. Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which generally subside within a week. Patients can then return to their normal activities Discomfort can be managed with prescribed pain medications. Dr. Davidson and his team provide detailed aftercare instructions and are committed to supporting you throughout the recovery process to ensure a smooth and comfortable healing journey.

Enhancing results with complementary procedures

To achieve optimal facial rejuvenation, some patients opt to combine submental liposuction with other procedures, such as:

  • Neck lift: For patients with excess skin or muscle banding in the neck.
  • Facelift: To address signs of aging in the mid to lower face.
  • Chin augmentation/genioplasty: Chin recontouring is an important consideration in rejuvenating the lower face and neck, providing the underlying skeletal support to accentuate the soft tissue changes of submental liposuction.

Our commitment to excellence

Choosing Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute means selecting a practice that is unwavering in its commitment to excellence, safety, and patient satisfaction.

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We are committed to patient health and safety.

Top-tier patient safety protocols

Our hospital-based surgical setting ensures a safe environment equipped with cutting-edge facilities and a team of experienced professionals.

Superior techniques

Dr. Davidson’s focused practice, elite training, and artistic vision guarantee unparalleled results, tailored to highlight your natural beauty.

Patient-centric care

Our boutique concierge approach ensures a patient care experience that is attentive, personalized, and centered on your well-being.

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Look years younger with submental liposuction.

Submental liposuction at Palm Beach Plastic Surgery Institute is more than just a procedure—it’s a step towards embracing a more confident and rejuvenated version of yourself. With Dr. Davidson’s expertise, a commitment to safety and excellence, and a personalized approach to care, you are in expert hands. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover the transformative possibilities of submental liposuction.

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